HR Management Software Case Study
See How this Civil Services Office Improved Job Applicant Tracking
The Civil Service Offices (CSO) of Hillsborough County, Florida provides for the recruitment and initial screening of job applicants for over 10,000 county government positions in 22 independent county government agencies. In a typical year, the CSO receives an average of 13,000 multi-page applications to be copied and distributed to the various agencies within the county for review, testing and hiring.
On a continuing basis, the CSO has approximately 50,000 active job applications on file. The application process is paper-intensive, with more than a half-million copies generated per year. Also, their existing application automation system was not accessible by the county agencies.
Document Management Solution
DocuVantage® implemented an Applicant Tracking and Imaging System to scan, store and retrieve millions of documents, as well as provide electronic workflow and HR document managment. The workflow functionality begins an automatic routing process that alerts the CSO staff of applications received so that the electronic review and testing process begins.
The applicant tracking system allows for efficient electronic document managment. The CSO and the county agencies are able to securely share certain information via the County network. Applicant status letters continue to be generated as the review process is completed. The CSO can retrieve summary and detail-level information about applicants and the vacancies for which they have applied in addition to specific recruitment requests or groups of recruitment requests for the same job code. The system is also designed to share information with Lawson's HR Suite.
The new system speeds application processing time, resulting in more efficient filling of job positions while significantly reducing departmental costs. It replaces the Civil Service Office's previous mainframe applicant tracking system, job application submission, distribution process and overall HR managment software.