Student Records Storage
Case Study: Chester County Intermediate Unit
Serving over 85,000 students and over 6,000 educators, the Chester County Intermediate Unit provides services to school districts that can be offered more economically at a regional level. With 12 school districts to service, each with many schools, the Chester Country Intermediate Unit has a wide group of users over a large geographic area.
Student records storage for one school alone can take up a large volume of space. Imagine storing the student records for 12 different school districts. Student records are also permanent. That means that records exist for every student that attends any of the schools in any of the school districts, even if they only attended school for one day.
Document Management Solution
Online record storage is the only cost effective way to store the volume of records that 12 school districts generate. Further, student records must be secure because they contain confidential information about children. Paper records are not secure nor are paper documents a cost-effective way to store records.
Imagine the space that would be needed to store generations of paper documents. Worse yet, imagine trying to find one of those documents after it’s been stored.
With proper student records storage and effective document management , Chester County Intermediate Unit enjoys these benefits:
- Student records and documents are stored securely in an offsite protected data center protected from disaster and unauthorized access.
- Storage costs are reduced.
- The department has immediate access to records.
- Administrators and staff can search for and retrieve records based on school, student name, date of birth, or any other piece of information that was captured in the documents.
For more information on how online records storage and student documen t management can reduce your storage costs while increasing efficiency, please call us at 866.367.3467 extension 1 or email