Happy New Year to Everyone!
This month we have changed the format of our newsletter to make it easier for you to find the information that you are most interested in. Instead of our articles being spread out between our e-mail newsletter, our newsletter archive and our blog, we decided to put all in one place. Going forward, all news and articles will be posted on our blog. Our blog is easy to bookmark and you can even subscribe to it so you won’t miss out on items of interest.
Click here to visit our Document Management Blog
So what will be in the newsletter going forward? Every month, the newsletter will have a synopsis of the most recent information that is posted on the blog. This won’t just be a rehash of what was already written, but a thoughtful discussion on why we chose to write about a certain topic.
As before our newsletter will continue to have tips for our DocuVantage OnDemand users so they can continue to get the most out of their subscription. This month’s tip is on "Converting a Single Document to a Compound Document".
Buying Document Management and Using Document Management are Two Completely Different Things
Government procurement cycles and on premise document management systems do not go well together. The problem that government has faced historically, and that now plagues the private sector, is that large expenditures are hard to justify if the ROI is more than a year. Even the most forward thinking organizations have trouble in tough economic times justifying capital expenditures. And for years, that’s what document management was, a large capital expenditure. Now with document management on demand, organizations can gain the benefits of deploying document management because it is no longer a large capital expense. Using a subscription delivery model makes it easy to create an immediate ROI; something that all organizations are looking for today.
This article makes the point using a real-life example and a little humor. Click here to read this article.
The Difference between Thoughtful & Procrastination when Picking a Document Management Solution
Let’s face it, we’ve all made bad decisions at some time in our life. Some of these decisions have had minor consequences and others might have had major consequences. Have you regretted drinking too much after a party? Have you taken a short cut only to find horrible traffic? Have you ever gone on a date only to realize that you would have had a better time organizing your sock drawer?
The funny thing about decisions is that sometimes we agonize over the simplest of decisions, yet at the same time rush into really big ones. What causes people to freeze up when making a decision? The answer is fear. Fear of making a bad decision or fear of looking foolish.
For some reason, picking a document management system falls into the category of a fearful decision. Given that the benefits to implementing a document management system are so large, why should this be a big decision? Most of the fear comes from the past. Before document management solutions could be acquired as a subscription service, the cost and hence the risk was large. Nowadays, that is no longer true.
So how do we get past the fear and the resulting procrastination? The answer is in understanding how to evaluate a document management solution correctly. To learn more about the process, click here to read the article.
Online Document Management - As Government Moves to the Cloud
As of January 17, 2011 the US national debt was $14,023,557,650,970.24. With 309,864,128 citizens, our individual burden is $45,257.12 per citizen. Personally I don’t have a need to take on an additional $45k in debt.
So how did we get into this predicament? Unfortunately there is no one easy answer. It’s the accumulation of bad decisions, government waste, government programs, deficit spending and a bad economy.
The good news is that many in government are taking this very seriously. Enter Vivek Kundra, the US Government’s CIO. He is cutting billions out of government spending by eliminating wasteful projects, making sure that projects deliver on what they promised and by instituting a Cloud First initiative.
Kundra released a 25 point implementation plan to reform federal information technology. Unlike most government written plans that read like “an army of words marching around a page looking for meaning”, his plan is both clear and concise. For those interested in federal IT spending I would recommend reading the entire plan.
One key element of his plan is to move government applications to the cloud. As a vendor of a document management platform delivered via the cloud, we couldn’t agree more. Document management and business process automation delivered via a cloud architecture and offered as a subscription service enables organizations to quickly gain the benefits of structure and organization without a large capital expenditure.
To read more about Kundra’s initiative and document management on the cloud, click here to read the full article.
Document Management Confessions from an IT Professional
When I look back on all the projects that I’ve implemented across my career I can’t help but remember the advice of my mentor, “Solve the customer’s problem”. That simple bit of advice seems obvious, but it goes against what many IT professionals think about. I know, I too am an IT professional or if you’d prefer; professional geek.
Sure, as an IT professional you want to fix the problem. But if you’re truly honest with yourself, you want to fix the problem with cool technology. While that does not sound like a problem, it can lead to playing with really cool technology that does not solve the user’s problem.
As an end user, you are probably familiar with this type of technical scope change. What sounded like a good idea suddenly becomes a technical nightmare. You’re not sure what the technical people are saying, but they sure do seem convinced, don’t they.
So regardless if you are on the technical side, or if you are on the end-user side, you want to look at how to make sure that your implementation is a business success and not just a technical wonder. Interested in learning how? Click here to read the full article.